Check Cards

For lost/stolen Debit card
call: 1-877-226-2351


Use your checking account without writing a check. Present your Visa® Debit Card to any Visa® merchant and the amount of your purchase will be electronically deducted from your checking account.

  • Your Visa® Debit Card can also be used as an ATM card at checkout or at an ATM
  • 25 Convenient ATM Locations  in Wichita and surrounding area
  • Various Card Designs available if you come in to one of branches.

Apply Now


Debit Card Alerts

With debit card alerts you can receive near real-time e-mail alerts whenever your debit card is used for certain transactions defined by you.  To sign up for Debit Card Alerts please use our online Debit Card Alert Form, you can also access this form from our mobile app.  If you wish to make changes to your categories, e-mail address, or unsubscribe from debit card alerts you may return to this form or contact us.

Falcon Fraud Scoring

Protecting you from unauthorized use of your Debit Card is one of our top priorities at The Valley State Bank. To mitigate fraud, we have implemented a monitoring system, called Falcon, to help guard your Debit Cards against fraudulent activity. If suspicious activity is detected on your card, you will be contacted by us or a fraud specialist on our behalf to verify the transactions in question.

What is Falcon?

  • Monitors all card transactions for unusual or suspicious activity
  • Takes into account your normal activities
  • Each transaction is scored based on the likelihood of fraud
  • Depending on the score, once an unusual or suspicious transaction takes place, you will be notified and/or the account will have a temporary block put on it until you can be contacted.

How am I notified?

Falcon will attempt to contact you via e-mail, a free SMS text message or by voice call. If you cannot be reached, Falcon may put a temporary block on your account to prevent further fraudulent activity. If you miss the call or we do not have current information in our system you can reach a fraud specialist by calling toll free (800) 466-3552 or if you are located outside the United States you may call 727-227-2447.

What do you need to do?

To ensure that we can reach you promptly if fraudulent activity is suspected, we need to have current contact information on file, including:

  • Cell phone number
  • Home/or work number
  • e-mail Address

It is also very important to keep this information current. If your information changes, please contact us immediately.

Fees and limits may apply on Debit Cards.

Product descriptions herein do not take the place of required disclosures under federal and state regulations. Please contact us for disclosures appropriate to these accounts.”