e-Sign Consent

Initial Disclosures And Consent For Electronic Transactions, Including Online Banking


For purposes of these Initial Disclosures And Consent For Electronic Transactions, Including Online Banking (the “Consent and Disclosures”), all references to “we,” “our,” and “us,” refer to The Valley State Bank. All references to “you” or any variation thereof refer to any person(s) signing (including electronic signature) the Consent and Disclosures.

By clicking on the “I AGREE” box at the end of the Consent and Disclosures (which constitutes your electronic signature on the Consent and Disclosures), you are agreeing to the terms of the Consent and Disclosures, specifically including your agreement to conduct transactions with us electronically and to receive disclosures and other documents from us electronically.  If you click the “I DO NOT AGREE” at the end of the Consent and Disclosures, you are stating that you do not agree to the terms of the Consent and Disclosures, do not agree to conduct transactions with us electronically, and do not agree to receive disclosures and other documents from us electronically.

If you would rather receive a paper version of the Consent and Disclosures, or the subsequent Online Banking Agreement and Disclosure (the “Agreement”), you may visit one of our locations, or you may request us to send you a copy by mail. You may also print the Consent and Disclosures from your computer and keep the printed Consent and Disclosures for your records. At any time if you wish to have a paper record of any of your online banking transactions you may request such a record. However, depending on the type of record you are requesting, there may be a fee debited from your account for providing records to you. You may make these requests in person at one of our locations, or over the telephone after we confirm your identity. If you wish to contact us electronically, use the Guest Book provided in our Online Banking site. Use this secure form to e-mail us regarding inquires about an electronic funds transfer error resolution, reporting unauthorized transactions, or contacting the Bank regarding other concerns of a confidential nature.

 You may, after agreeing to the Consent and Disclosures and the Agreement, withdraw from our online banking and/or bill payment services (the “Online Services”). However, withdrawing may take us a reasonable amount of time to process your request.  To withdraw from the Online Services, you must notify us and provide your name; address; whether you are discontinuing online banking, bill payment or both; and the effective date to stop the service. When bill payment is terminated, any prescheduled bill payments made through Online Banking will also be terminated. Your final charge for the bill payment service will be assessed at the end of your statement cycle. You may notify us by telephone, (620)488-2211, by mail Attention: Electronic Banking Services Department, Valley State Bank, P.O. Box 428, Belle Plaine, Kansas 67013-0428, or by giving your notice to a Customer Service Representative at any of the Bank's locations.

By acknowledging and agreeing to the terms of the Consent and Disclosures and the Agreement, you are consenting to using Online Services as described in either document. We, you and The Valley State Bank, may separately agree in writing to other electronic banking services. In the future we may offer more or different online banking services, and by affirmatively using those services you consent to use those services electronically. Sometimes we may notify you in advance of the effective date of such changes if the changes include: increased fees or charges, increased liability for consumer, fewer types of available electronic transfers, or stricter limitations on the frequency or dollar amounts of transfers.

HARDWARE  AND SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: In order to use the service, you will need access to the Internet.  Failure of your equipment to access the Internet, or any failure on your system that causes a problem with your transactions are risks that are accepted by you.  We will make an effort to assist you in determining whether there is a system incompatibility problem between your system and ours, but ultimately the problems with any incompatibility is a responsibility you accept.

Tell us AT ONCE if you believe your password has been lost or stolen, or if you believe that an electronic fund transfer has been made without your permission using your account information. Telephoning is the best way of keeping your possible losses down. You could lose all the money in your account (plus your maximum overdraft line of credit). If you tell us within 2 business days after you learn of the loss or theft or your password, you can lose no more than $50 if someone used your password without your permission.

If you do NOT tell us within 2 business days after you learn of the loss or theft of your password, and we can prove we could have stopped someone from using your password without your permission if you had told us, you could lose as much as $500.

Also, if your statement shows transfers that you did not make, including those made by card, code or other means, tell us at once. If you do not tell us within 60 days after the statement was mailed to you, you may not recover any money you lost after the 60 days if we can prove that we could have stopped someone from taking the money if you had told us in time. If a good reason (such as a long trip or a hospital stay) kept you from telling us, we will extend the time periods.

If you believe your password has been lost or stolen, You may notify us by telephone, (620)488-2211, by mail Attention: Electronic Banking Services Department, Valley State Bank, P.O. Box 428, Belle Plaine, Kansas 67013-0428, or by giving notice to a Customer Service Representative at any of the Bank's locations.

You should also call the number or write to the address listed above if you believe a transfer has been made using the information from your check without your permission.

Similarly, in case of errors or questions about your electronic transfers, telephone us at the number or write to the address listed above as soon as you can, if you think your statement or receipt is wrong or if you need more information about a transfer listed on the statement or receipt. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent the FIRST statement on which the problem or error appeared.

(1)  Tell us your name and account number (if any).

(2)  Describe the error or the transfer you are unsure about, and explain as clearly as you can why you believe it is an error or why you need more information.

(3)  Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error.

If you tell us orally, we may require that you send us your complaint or question in writing within 10 business days.

We will determine whether an error occurred within 10 business days after we hear from you and will correct any error promptly. If we need more time, however, we may take up to 45 days to investigate your complaint or question. If we decide to do this, we will credit your account within 10 business days for the amount you think is in error, so that you will have the use of the money during the time it takes us to complete our investigation. If we ask you to put your complaint or question in writing and we do not receive it within 10 business days, we may not credit your account.

For errors involving new accounts, point-of-sale, or foreign-initiated transactions, we may take up to 90 days to investigate your complaint or question. For new accounts, we may take up to 20 business days to credit your account for the amount you think is in error.

We will tell you the results within three business days after completing our investigation. If we decide that there was no error, we will send you a written explanation.

You may ask for copies of the documents that we used in our investigation.

The hours for which our lobby area is open for business depend upon the branch. At our main location in Belle Plaine, KS our business hours are Monday through Thursday 9:00am-4:00pm, Friday 9:00am-6:00pm. Our Wichita and Derby branches have the same hours as our main branch Monday thru Friday, and also Saturday 8:00am-12:00pm. Holidays are not included.

You may use your online banking account to:

(i) Transfer funds between your accounts with us whenever you request.

(ii)  Pay for purchases or services at places that have agreed to accept the transaction.

(iii)  Pay bills directly from your checking account in the amounts and on the days you request.

(iv) View your account information.

You may only make bill payments in any amount greater than or equal to $1.00 and less than $10,000.00.  Bill payments may not be made to pay taxes, child support maintenance, alimony or other court-ordered obligations.  If you authorize periodic payments to any entity, those payments may continue until you either terminate the periodic payment, or there are insufficient available funds to allow the payment. Transfers from savings and money market deposit accounts are limited to six (6) pre-authorized electronic fund transfers and telephone transfers, including bill payment transactions, checks and point-of-sale transactions, per month.

We offer the benefits and convenience of the Online Banking Service to you free of charge. The Bill Payment Service is free for the first month. Thereafter, for the Bill Payment Service you will be charged a flat fee of $5.00 a month, which includes 10 bill payments. All bill payments over 10 will incur an additional charge of $0.50 each. The fee will be deducted automatically from your Bill Payment account.  We will disclose information to third parties about your account or the transfers you make:

(i)  Where it is necessary for completing transfers, or

(ii)  In order to verify the existence and condition of your account for a third party, such as a credit bureau or merchant, or

(iii)  In order to comply with government agency or court orders, or

(iv)  If you give us your written permission.

(v) to the Bank’s affiliated companies.

You will continue to receive your regular account statement either monthly or quarterly, depending on the type of account.

If you have told us in advance to make regular payments out of your account, you can stop any of these payments. Here's how:

Call us at (620) 488-2211 or write us at Attention: Electronic Banking Services Department, Valley State Bank, P.O. Box 428, Belle Plaine, Kansas 67013-0428, in time for us to receive your request 3 business days or more before the payment is scheduled to be made. If you call, we may also require you to put your request in writing and get it to us within 14 days after you call. (We will charge you $35.00 for each stop-payment order you give.)

If these regular payments may vary in amount, the person who you are going to pay will tell you, 10 days before each payment, when it will be made and how much it will be. (You may choose instead to get this notice only when the payment would differ by more than a certain amount from the previous payment, or when the amount would fall outside certain limits that you set.)

If you order us to stop one of these payments 3 business days or more before the transfer is scheduled, and we do not do so, we will be liable for your losses or damages.

If we do not complete a transfer to or from your account on time or in the correct amount according to our agreement with you, we will be liable for your losses or damages. However, there are some exceptions. We will not be liable, for instance:

(1)  If, through no fault of ours, you do not have enough money in your account to make the transfer.

(2)  If the transfer would go over the credit limit on your overdraft line.

(3)  If the automated teller machine where you are making the transfer does not have enough cash.

(4)  If the online banking system was not working properly and you knew about the breakdown when you started the transfer.

(5)  If circumstances beyond our control (such as fire or flood) prevent the transfer, despite reasonable precautions that we have taken.

(6)  There may be other exceptions stated in the Agreement, or another agreement we have with you.


Consent Choice

Yes, I have read and understand all of the provisions contained herein and agree to be bound by them, and expressly agree to conduct transactions with the Valley State Bank electronically and to receive disclosures and other documents from the Valley State Bank electronically.

No, I do not agree to the provisions contained herein, or I have not fully read all of them and do not agree to conduct transactions with the Valley State Bank electronically and do not agree to receive disclosures and other documents from the Valley State Bank electronically.